Creating 2011

Creating 2011

What would it be like if you literally could create
the future?  Are you willing to experiment? Here is a process that has produced some amazing results for people in past years.
Use it to replace the New Year’s resolutions you are about to make.

Step 1: Imagine it is December 31, 2011.


Step 2: Imagine you are looking back over the year 2011 and reflecting on all the wonderful, successful outcomes you had. See them. Touch them. Feel them. (It is through the power of emotion that we manifest our heart’s true desires.)

Step 3: Now take pen (or computer) in hand and write yourself a letter describing everything that happened in 2011.What do you have in your life on December 31, 2011, that you are grateful for?  It maybe a new job or career; perhaps you have resolved a major problem with a relationship.Or, you may have a new home, a more stable financial institution, better health, a changed lifestyle where you spend less time working and more time doing the things you really want to do. You can work less and make more life. Whatever it is, write it down. Be specific.For instance, if it’s increased income say how much;

Step 4: Now, take a look at each item and see what action steps you took during the year 2011 that
produced the wonderful outcomes you are enjoying. Write those actions in your calendar, indicating
when they took place.  Again, be as detailed as possible.

Step 5: Now, put the letter away and look forward to pulling it
out to read it next year on December 31, 2011 when you
compare your letter with what you actually did.  You will
be amazed! Especially if you take the action steps you wrote down
as you come to them on the calendar during the course of the year.

May 2011 be the best year of your life!

Love and light,

Kelley Rosano

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